Who cares about Wordless Wednesday when you've been featured on a beautiful blog?! You definitely have my permission to enjoy the Wordless Wednesday prettiness below, but then you need to high-tail it back up here again and share in my excitement! ;-)
Kara Buntin, at A Cake To Remember, asked me if she could do a small feature about my little shop on her blog and I was like, "Uhm, yes, are you kidding? Of course!" And then I promptly drove to Virginia where her shop is located just to kiss her on the face. Okay, I didn't do that last part, but I still might, so brace yourself Kara!
She set up such a beautiful feature too! Please go check it out (along with the rest of her blog and shop on etsy) to help me say thank you and share the love.
Here are the magical links:
Blog Feature
Her Blog
Her Etsy Shop
Her Facebook Page