Thank you Miss Pam!
Here are the rules:
Include award logo in blog post and thank the blogger who gave it to you & include a link back.
Answer 10 questions about yourself that you have made up yourself (yeah, I know, kinda weird).
Nominate 10-12 bloggers for the award and contact them at their blog site to inform them.
So here are the ten questions about me that I made up about myself....
1. What is your guilty pleasure?
Dancing!! I dance a number of vintage style dances that I cannot get enough of!
2. What is your favorite hobby?
Did I say dancing already?? Yep, I repeat, I'm a dancing fool!
3. What is your favorite feature about yourself?
My legs. I like my gams quite a bit in a pair of vintage shoes.
4. What is your favorite color?
Green. Oooh, and coral. I love the color green on everything, but I like corals on my skin. Livens me up a bit.5. If you could have a house anywhere in the world, where would it be?
A little village in England. With a thatched roof, large tree in front, and garden in the back.
6. What is one of your favorite qualities about yourself?
I'm resourceful and flexible. I tend to adapt well to unforeseen circumstances and make something from what I have around me.
7. Where do you want to be in 5 & 10 years?
On a little one to two acre plot of land that I can grow flowers and veggies on. And have a small house with a front room that I use for a tea shop in the fall and winter and another room with hardwood floors that is used solely for epic dances!
8. How long have you been married?
I got married when I was a baby, so my husband and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary soon!! Whoa! It went so fast too! Love that man! ;-)
9. What is your favorite wine?
Probably a Riesling with fruity notes like grapefruit
10. What is you favorite desert?
I love me some salted caramel anything! Ice Cream, chocolate, etc. Put on some caramel and a little sea salt and you have my attention.
So there you have it!
10 Questions that I made up (or borrowed from Pam!). I hope you enjoyed reading them and getting to know me a little bit.
Now......Here are some lovely ladies I nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award!
Sheryl @ Sher's Creative Space
Mohala @ MoKeKuMiLei Creations