Don't you just want a great big hug?! Believe me, I understand. I wanna hug myself in this coat! The weather here is a mixed bag and can have normal cold autumn weather and then throw in a few days in the low 70s, which makes trying to figure out a cold weather closet a bit challenging. Plus, I tend to get cold even when it's warm outside, so having layers and a few coat options is a must.
Since I've only been adding vintage items into my closet for one year now (weird right?! I feel like I've been wearing this stuff my whole life sometimes!), I'm still trying to figure out which pieces might work best. Winterwear and cold weather apparel is a conundrum that I'm testing out slowly. It is super duper easy to get a pretty lightweight dress in the summer, but garments can start being a challenge come cool weather.
Last week you got to see my first cold weather outfit (see here) that showcased one of three vintage "coats" that I have secured for my first vintage winter. I say "coats" because last week's was technically a cape. This week though I bring out the beast!! Okay, it is more like the beauty and the beast mixed into one wonderful garment.
This coat is delicious. There is just no way around it. I bought it back in the heat of July during a sale at Wild Honey Pie Vintage (along with this beauty of a hat seen here) and when the package came in the mail I could barely lift the thing! This is the heaviest freakin' coat I've ever encountered! There is just no blasted way you could be cold in this and I love it! It is a 1940s chubby mouton coat (best name ever). Mouton for those that don't see this word often is from a sheep but made to resemble beaver or seal fur. The color is the most beautiful burnt caramel brown and the fit very oddly looks rather slim and tailored for feeling so ridiculously huge and heavy. The inside is lined in colorful pastel silk stripes which is rather unexpected and adorable I think. The collar can stand up too!! And there's pockets! Wins all around!

As for what I'm wearing under that beautiful beast of a coat...whaaaaaaat???? A 1970s sweater??!!!! That's right! 1970s! An era I don't find in my closet until now. I picked up this striped lightweight knit from Raleigh Vintage at a vintage fashion show that I recently got the great pleasure of being a model (more on that in a future post!). After the show, a bunch of vendors were selling their wares, including Raleigh Vintage, and you know I can't pass that sh#t up! I pulled this sweater off the rack and was like "huh", I like this. I know it is the 70s and not my usual thing, but. Yah, I like this. So in a very weird haul I bought this and a tiffany box blue 1950s party dress. I bet they were surprised to share the same bag home!
The sweater's cute though right?! It has such a random mix of styles with a 50s type peter pan collar mixed with the winged sleeves and orangey color of the 70s. Seems fitting for the fall though in that pumpkin spice type hue. It really needed a belt though. The fit with those sleeves and large stripes made for a rather unflattering sight without one. But a skinny belt fixed that right up. This one is actual snakeskin from the 40s or 50s that I snatched up for under $10 at Beggars and Choosers (what a deal!). Some of the little snakey scales are coming up so I will need to get out some glue and make sure they don't come off completely in the future.
My jeans you've seen before (here) and my shoes you've seen a number of times (here, here, here). Jewelry for the day was kept to a copper and brass palette so as to match my toffee and caramel ensemble. The ring is an antique vine and berry design in brass coming soon to my shop. The antique necklace is a pretty copper colored ivy design that someone in Canada snatched up from my shop only two days after I listed it! Hope they love it!
Note: I've been getting some specific questions about makeup, photography, clothing, etc. which is so great! I love getting questions and chatting with you about details! Keep 'em coming! I was thinking of maybe doing a Q&A type post where you all could ask questions and I could use them and my answers to start a Frequently Asked Questions page on my blog. What do you think?
Outfit Details
Coat: 1940s Mouton from Wild Honey Pie Vintage
Sweater: 1970s Knit from Raleigh Vintage
Jeans: Skinnies from Anthropologie
Belt: 1940s/50s Snakeskin from Beggars and Choosers
Shoes: Reproduction 30s/40s Oxfords from Remix Vintage Shoes
Necklace: antique "Ivy in Autumn" from my shop ChatterBlossom
Ring: antique vine and berry, coming soon to my shop ChatterBlossom
Last Week's Sunday Snag: