Personalities: The Dark and Dangerous Beauty
Places you'll find yourself: Making mischief and loving it...
I would love to share with all of you some of my latest creations to make it into shop. This is going to be the newest weekly post on Saturdays called "Saturday Shop Talk". There won't be much talkin', but just a general introduction. I really enjoy naming my pieces and sharing the little characters that they evoke and I hope you do too! Thanks for letting me have a show & tell day!!
******Update: I'm a dork and realized that I meant this to be for Saturday and accidentally posted it today which was supposed to be for my Sunday Snag post. I got my days mixed up (I blame dancing at all hours). Anyhoo, Saturday will be weekly posts of Shop Talk and Sundays will be weekly posts of Snags. Sheesh! I need some strong black tea now....*************
Visit "Voodoo Vixen" and all my creations in shop by clicking here.
For those of you that enjoy Saturday Shop Talk, I've created a new blog just for that! This new blog is called ChatterBlossom Shop Talk and will be solely for introducing you to the new creations from my shop! Come on by for a visit if you like! :-)