Keeping with the magical theme that Halloween has brought on, today's feature is catering to my child within. When I was a little girl, there was really nothing more appealing than miniatures. Basically, anything in tiny form I fell in love with. I don't know what it is exactly that draws you to small versions of everyday objects, but the draw is there regardless. I loved playing house and bossing guiding people around. Dollhouses were just another way to shrink down into your own whimsical childlike mind. There are a number of miniature makers on Etsy, so I wanted to give a few a small spotlight for their delightful creations.

The first is this adorable thatched cottage dollhouse. Isn't it darling?! Made by Lovely Day for a Picnic, this little cottage is described here by the creator: "This dear little cottage is made of wood, thatched with coconut fiber, and sits upon a sturdy yet lightweight base covered in moss. It comes fully furnished and includes sweet, tiny creatures. There is a lovely legend to this replica: In 1658, Sir Noel Fielding built his home in the shadow of the Cotswolds escarpment with the intention of raising animals of all types on a parcel of land to live together as friends; foxes with chickens, puppies with kittens, wolves with lambs. He knew they could co-exist. And they do."

The next spotlight is for an outstanding artist from South Korea named Hea Kyung Lee. Her shop, Dollhouse Ara, is worth a look through, so definitely check it out! Her creations are meticulous and beautifully detailed. One of my favorites is this cottage scene with rustic furnishings, including a turntable, records, and wine! She also creates many gorgeous Korean style settings too.

Turning to the truly amazing, Kevin Jackson from kjbc1960 created this one of a kind dollhouse by hand. Ranging from $3,000-$10,000, his creations are exquisitely detailed. Here is just a sample of what he offers: "All of my houses do have the following features as standard: Solid individual wooden floorboards complete with joints and nail holes. Hand made wall lights with candle effect lights. Hand sculptured roofs, paving and chimneys. Hand made leaded light window glazing. External walls aged to give authentic weathered look. Joint pegs individually drilled and fitted to the outside of the house to replicate exactly how timber frame buildings were originally made. Some of the optional extras that can be ordered include: Double height Great Banqueting Hall to the top floor, complete with double height lift off access panel with 9 pane feature window. Stone fire surround exclusive to KJ Dollshouses. Working fires to all fireplaces. Tudor chandeliers to the roof rooms. Hanging signs with wording of your choice. Brick plinth." I think I would have had a heart attack if my seven year old self saw this under the Christmas tree! I probably wouldn't have gotten a car later on in life to pay for it, but if you asked that little girl, I'm sure she wouldn't have blinked an eye at that trade-off!

Finally, the last spotlight shines on LDelaney, who has created my dream miniature. As a girl, I always had my nose in a book and loved to go to the library. In fact, Beauty and the Beast was one of my favorite animated movies growing up solely because of the library scene where the Beast presented Belle her very own palace of books. LDelaney's little masterpiece would have thrilled me to the bone! Adding this detailed 400 piece library to the inside of a cardboard box would have been sufficient in replicating that movie for my girlhood self! Here is the artist's description of her creation: "Velvet curtains sweep away to reveal rows and rows of books. Light from a candelabra flickers across the dusty volumes. In the shadows, papers and photographs peek out from their hiding places tucked among the books. A ladder reaches to the very top shelf, where four wooden crates rest, each containing strange and mysterious antique documents. An old bust of Queen Victoria perches in the center, watchfully guarding the tiny treasures. This is the Library of Forgotten Books!"
Here are the links to the featured shops:
Cottage by
Lovely Day for a Picnic
Cottage Interior by
Dollhouse Ara
Tudor Dollhouse by
Library by