Don't worry though, the Bucket List Outfit is revealed below. You can breathe easy now. :-)
If you haven't tuned in until now, you can catch up by clicking here (shoes), here (hat), and here (dress).
First, let me give you the run down of the week. We started our date week with a night out dancing. My favorite band, Mint Julep Jazz Band (check them out, they're wonderful!), was playing last Saturday night and we got dressed up and went to dance and listen. It was quite crowded though (Mint Julep draws a crowd!) and we wanted to hang out together, so we left early and went to a local wine bar. We drank wine and ate bar food (a deliciously salty pizza) in our fancy duds while angry men screamed obscenities at the hockey game on TV. It was wonderful.
Next, we visited Duke Gardens, the loveliest of local outdoor settings. Many of my Wordless Wednesdays feature photos from there. It was overcast, cool, and completely void of other people that day. Which was perfect. We strolled for hours, had a picnic overlooking a gorgeously scenic garden scape, and enjoyed listening to birds and watching the ducks. Later that afternoon, we went to the movies (Iron Man 3) and had root beer floats at home following.
On Wednesday, we left for a bed & breakfast and stayed for 3 days. It was raining for almost the entire time we were there, but it was still beautiful, relaxed, and romantic. More on this later. We returned home on Saturday (which is when I'm writing this post). Tonight is the last night of our date week and we are going to end it how we began, with the Mint Julep Jazz Band. We're going to hear them play in an outdoor setting where there will be relaxed listening and maybe a few dancers too!
So there is the overview of our date week! I'm going to put up a couple more posts about the week with more details later. But for now...
Without further ado, I present to you, my Bucket List Outfit!
Dress: Swanee Grace (recent post here)
Hat: Flatiron Vintage (recent post here)
Shoes: Honey Talk Vintage (recent post here)
Undergarments: What Katy Did (post to come)
Sorry about the photo quality, but it was raining and we were late late late for dinner. The hubs clicked a few pics for me next to the window of our B&B room. My hair wasn't exactly as planned. I did pin curls that morning, but apparently put a little too much mousse in because I had CURLS. Like poofy poofy curls. Oh wells, c'est la vie right? I still thought it was fun, just a bit poofier than expected. Pin curls are still a work in progress for me...
I tried to keep accessories to a minimum because I already had a lot going on. I paired the outfit with small black faceted drop earrings, a tiny pink seed pearl bracelet, and my grandmothers purple stone ring. I also used a black sequined clutch that isn't pictured here.
There is a whole under-layer of goodness that you aren't seeing right now (more on that in another post). It was a Bucket List Outfit after all, so I got some Bucket List underpinnings to go along with it (40s style bra, slip, garter belt, seamed stockings). You can see my contrasted seamed stockings in the photo with my back turned. So fun!
This last photo is just silly nonsense, but I love it. It makes me feel like a wealthy heiress from the 40s about to walk out onto my English garden terrace! :-)
Last Week's Thursday Thrill: