Isn't she a cutie?! I snatched up this adorable novelty sweater from Anna at Revolving Styles. This was my 3rd purchase from her and I have loved every one!
From the 1970's, this knit sweater is pastel pink (yes, you are seeing many pink purchases and will probably see many more!) and has a fun polka dot and sheep pattern! I was a little frightened because the measurements for this were pretty small, but I knew I wanted it to fit snuggly (more like the 50's pinup style). Fortunately, I lucked out and it fits! It is a bit snug under the arms, but nothing noticeable.
I wore this the day I went to cut off all my hair, so it is already a lucky charm for me! Of course, in keeping with my routine, I didn't think to take photos (someday!). It is still cool enough here to wear the sweater, so I paired it with a deep pink tank that peeked out underneath and a pair of high waisted, dark wash, skinny jeans and brown riding boots. It is so much fun and I feel so bubbly with polka dots and little sheep for company!
Last Week's Sunday Snag: