Yes, this is a farewell of sorts. Not entirely and not forever, but life is calling me in a different direction. I will probably share a random outfit post or two in the future, but for now...it's a fond and warm-hearted goodbye. I know this is sudden and rather abrupt but oddly, I don't think it could have been otherwise. I'm not the sort to draw things out. If I see something that needs changing, well...I usually just take the leap.
I want to wholeheartedly express my deepest thanks to all who joined me in this brief, fiery flame. Please know that I appreciate all of your support, words, and shared adventures! You can continue to follow along in my life as I will still have my shop and instagram (@chatterblossom) and we can chat a bit there until a possible return.
Farewell for now my friends. It has been a true pleasure.