Personality: The Fluttery and Dainty
Places you'll find yourself: Gently settling into the porch swing for a quick afternoon nap in the sunshine
Places you'll find yourself: Gently settling into the porch swing for a quick afternoon nap in the sunshine
Isn't she cute?! This darling ring was made with an antique stamped brass button, circa 1880 to 1918, and pictures an itty bitty ladybug perched atop a leaf. I named her Dot for obvious reasons, but also because I've always loved that very vintage name (usually short for Dorothy or Dorothea). I'm actually pretty tempted to keep this for myself as I've always loved ladybugs, but alas, I'm in love with most of these wee buttons and I can't keep them all. I'm sure she will make someone else very happy too!
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Last Week's Saturday Shop Talk: