Teaser Trois!
Here it is, my googly eyed friends! Behold the glory and splendor!
{Pull all jaws from floor before reading further}
My Bucket List Dress. This is it. Now I can definitively answer someone when asked, "If you could buy just one dress...". Well, within reason of course (I couldn't entirely break the bank or this would indeed be my one dress). Nonetheless, this is the prettiest thing I own. My closet's new sugar coated candy treat. Do any of you play that game? The "If you could buy just one {enter object here}" game? I would love to hear and/or see your answers (just leave a comment and/or link to share with me)!
I purchased this dress from a wonderful shop on Etsy called Swanee Grace. The owner was a lovely gal who answered all my questions and sent me one of my dreams wrapped in tissue. Seriously.
You may recognize this dress if you've been following my blog for a few months. I featured this dress in my Amethyst post for those born in February. Often, the dresses I feature are ones that I would love to have and wear myself. This was obviously no exception, but I set it in the "Do Not Touch" section of my brain. When my husband gave me the green light to get my Bucket List outfit (click here(shoes) and here(hat) to catch up on the story), I ran to the computer and looked to see if this beauty had been snatched up yet. And there it was. Waiting. Just for me.
Click. Bought. Started crying. Giggled with delight. That is how this dress found its new home with me. She is a mint condition, 1940s rayon jersey in black with purple peonies, green leaves and a novelty print. The jersey is heavenly, drapes so well, and has the slightest bit of stretch due to weave. Hard to see here, but the print is really interesting too. Each little square frame pictures scenes from country life. One shows two women and a child with water or feed buckets, one shows a little donkey eating grass, and one shows a mother and child on a bike riding to town. How delightful is that?!
The dress has the typical sleeve type, shoulder pads, and peplum of that era. The peplum has a crisp sheer mesh edging, the waist has a fabric tie of the same pattern, and the neckline! Oh that neckline! It is scooped with a sheer mesh panel, edged in ruffles, and accented with a wee bow.
I will have already worn the full outfit with the shoes and hat by the time you are reading this. My scheduled date night wearing this dream was on Wednesday, but because my date week continued, you'll have to be satisfied with enumerable teasers until I can get back to the real world and post photos of the ensemble.
Thank you all for waiting so patiently and for falling in love along with me! I hope to have an outfit post this week as my Thursday Thrill, so stay tuned!

Last Week's Sunday Snag: