Plaid #5!! Yes, it seems that this wardrobe staple is definitely helping me fill out my vintage closet. I had said on Friday that I would've never taken myself for a "plaid girl". I grew up in the grunge age full of boyish tough looks for plaid. Never had I associated it with ladylike femininity (the exception being young school girl uniforms), so it quite surprises me how much I'm now drawn to the print. I've had four plaids come up on Sunday Snags so far (#1, #2, #3, #4,) and I'm happy to include today's as the fifth. Plaid seems to make any old cotton house dress a bit more "put together", in my opinion, like having your accessories built right in. The print gives dimension and color interest, and I'm sure it rather helps that you can't see staining as easily too!

I bought this cute little #5 from Wildfell Hall Vintage back in June from their sale section (a place I frequent often). Actually, last week's Sunday Snag (see here) was also from Wildfell!
Cool beans note: Amy from Wildfell has recently become my newest sponsor!! So thrilled to have her gorgeous shop grace my blog!
Okay, so there I was, trolling the sale items and this 1940s beauty was there! "Why was this in the sale section within my grasp?", I asked myself. Reading description...zipper head missing (whateves)...staining on collar (don't mind that a bit)...and, that's it? Uhm, sign me up! This was a genuine snag at $28. I could kiss Amy on the mouth for this one! I got it in the mail a few days later, tried it on, and God Bless America there isn't a lick of alterations needed! I just looped a little piece of embroidery floss through the zipper loop and we're ready to go! Don't you love the color of the plaid? Deep blue base with navy, green, white and red mixed in. The original belt was missing (not surprising), so I thought I would pull out the red accent with a ribbon belt. That term makes it seem so classy, but don't be fooled. I just cut the hem of a seven years ago Forever 21 dress (which I wanted to make into a shirt) and kept the hem in case I needed it (which as every hoarder knows is absolutely inevitable). Also, calling label lovers, did you see that wonderful dress tag below?! My dress is an Alamo and apparently very confident in its lasting power as they promise a new one if the color ever fades. I guess I'll cut them a break for a little fade (it is 70 years old!) Still looks pretty bright and saturated though, so well done Alamo, well done.
Couple other snags today too! I got myself another vintage purse! I purchased all three of my "first" vintage purses on the same day (you can see one other one here) a few weeks ago at the open air flea market in Raleigh. This one is a 1940s cord purse in navy with such a pretty design and in very good condition (you can't see it here, but the lining inside is violet!). The other snag is my shoes! Oh my gosh, you guys, these are so darling! They are 1950s wedges in white braided straw? wicker? I'm not sure what they call that in shoe land. I snatched 'em up from ebay for $10 plus shipping. Not bad, said my husband. They fit very comfortably and have the cutest little pinkish red and blue flowers along the edges.
The other two accessories seen here are both from my shop. The ring, "Woo the Wind", is perfect for those vintage white (which basically means ivory or cream) outfits where it once was a bright white but now isn't. Ivory can be a hard color to find in jewelry, so this worked perfectly. My hair flower "Lips Like Berries" was also an easy choice for this outfit. My belt and lips were already a deep red, so why not pop that color out again! The center of this particular flower is an antique black glass button with a blush luster finish.
Fun Fact: I went to the post office in this outfit and the older gentleman at the counter was just tickled by my appearance. He helped me with my boxes and shipping and as I was about to leave he said, "Whoowee, man, I just love your style."! How deliciously fun is that?! I think we made each other's day at that moment. :-)
Outfit Details:
Dress: 1940s Plaid Cotton from Wildfell Hall Vintage
Belt: Red Jersey Ribbon, made by me from spare fabric
Purse: 1940s Cord Purse from local flea market
Shoes: 1950s White Wedges from Ebay
Ring: "Woo the Wind" from my shop ChatterBlossom
Hair Flower: "Lips Like Berries" from my shop ChatterBlossom
Last Week's Sunday Snag: