Sometimes I look at myself in photos like these and think, "Who is this person?". I feel like with every change of vintage outfit, I have a different part of me expressed. Different eras, styles, cuts, they all seem to unlock a different me. It doesn't feel like a mask or like I'm not being myself. It feels interesting, challenging, and more like me. I enjoy change. I like feeling uncomfortable sometimes too as I think it challenges my notion of myself. No, I don't enjoy that discomfort, but I do like what it makes me do, which is to think and change so that I don't let discomfort rule me or box me in. I know you all don't know me personally and I rarely talk intimately about myself here, but I'm rather introverted, anxious, and contemplative. However, if you ever meet me, you would probably never know that. I try my best to be welcoming, confident, stable, and open when with others. Most people would probably think I was quite extraverted actually.
On Thursday, you got to see me challenge myself in a vintage fashion show (see here), but today I'm back to the quiet me. A crisp winter walk will do that. Make you quiet. It can't be helped. A cold day with no one around and the leaves crunching as you walk. It can be beautifully eerie. I was bundled up head to toe on this day as it was cold. Actually, speaking of cold, starting in January, I will start a new version of the Sunday Snag because it is just too darn cold for me to be outside shooting photos. It will only be for a month or two but mama needs to stay warm, so a change is coming! You'll have to wait and see, but I hope you like it!
So far, you've gotten to see two winter outerwear pieces from me, a cape (here) and a fur coat (here). This is the last of the three coats I bought for my first vintage winter. This one is a 1940s princess cut style that I got during a flash sale from The Paraders back in July. I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted for coat styles, but I figured having at least one black and one brown would be a good start. The cape seemed like a fun choice in between. My fur is quite heavy which is perfect for cold and this black coat is a medium weight which makes it wearable for fall/winter/spring. Plus, this coat is perfect for all my swing dresses because being a princess cut, it bells out like a dress. It has classic Dolman sleeves (always a favorite of mine), cream satin lining, and big white and silver buttons. I felt like the length of the coat made me look a bit short so I belted it high with a modern skinny belt to help break it up a bit and give me a waist.
The dress you've seen before but not on me. My neighbor friend played model with me for a photography student's 1940s photoshoot (see here). I got to style the shoot, so my friend borrowed this dress from me. You'll get to see the dress styled in a future Snag (when the weather's warmer). Today, it got to act as an accent and give my coat a blush of color. It is a 1950s taffeta dress with a full swing skirt and the most wonderful collar! Seemed a shame to leave it hidden so I pulled the collar out from under the coat and let it get some spotlight. The color reminds me of rosy cheeked children after they've tired themselves out in the snow. You don't usually see coral and peach used in winter, but I think it is a lovely reminder of spring during frigid temperatures.
Lots of accessories came with me on this outing. My hat, a lovely straw 1940s/50s piece, was picked up from My Vintage Hat Shop, in their clearance section during a free shipping sale! What a deal! I got the hat seen here from them at that same time. This one is such an unusual shape and you know I can't resist an asymmetrical tilt! Plus, there are lovely little blooms caged behind black veiling and it just made me think that they were being bundled up themselves until spring.
The shoes you may remember from my Bucket List outfit that my husband got me for our 10th wedding anniversary (see here). They were never worn, pristine 1940s patent leather heels with grosgrain ribbon detail and they look sweet as candy licorice! Like a little piece of taffy for my toes!
There are actually lots of little reminders of spring in this outfit. I hadn't noticed until now, but my heart must have been longing for the warmth when picking this out. The scarf is a silk chiffon, coral red poppy pattern from the 1960s, my purse is a classic 40s cord purse (I have one in navy too, here), and my gloves are my first and only online purchase of vintage gloves to date. I've been too worried about sizing to order before but these were so inexpensive that I gave it a whirl. Luckily, they fit just beautifully! They are creamy white deerskin gloves with a beautiful topstitch effect.
I had three sources for jewelry today! My brooches are just the cutest and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw them buried under 1960s costume jewelry at the flea market. Two tiny little silver filigree birdies from the 1940s or earlier. Goodness they make me feel uplifted and happy! The ring is a teeny pink maple leaf, named "Adette", and is currently in my shop. My bracelet is the first real vintage jewelry purchase I've made. I've picked up small bits and pieces from flea markets and such but this piece is special. I don't normally allow myself to get jewelry because I make jewelry and also because my funds typically go to clothing and I just keep jewelry at an arm's length to drool over. However, I took the plunge with this bracelet. I spotted it on Raleigh Vintage's website when they first listed it. I thought it was wonderful! 1930s, soft coral colored celluloid, and in quite an unusual shape of flower squares sandwiched together. I put the thought away with all the other wish list items, but then I saw it in person when they brought it to EBC (see here). There it was, so lonesome under the glass without a loving wrist to care for it. I made the mistake of asking to try it on. It fit perfectly, which is hard to come by as I have small wrists. Yep, you found your new home with me, little bracelet.
Do you have pieces like this? Where you just bond instantly and can't imagine leaving it behind? I would love to hear about them!
Outfit Details
Coat: 1940s Princess Cut from The Paraders
Dress: 1950s Taffeta from SIB Vintage
Hat: 1940s/50s Straw from My Vintage Hat Shop
Scarf: 1960s Silk Chiffon from Macaroni Vintage
Belt: Modern Skinny from The Limited (years ago)
Shoes: 1940s Patent Leather from Honey Talk Vintage
Gloves: Ivory Deerskin from Ebay
Brooches: Pre-1950s Filigree Birds from flea market
Purse: 1940s Cord from flea market
Bracelet: 1930s Celluloid from Raleigh Vintage
Ring: Antique Maple "Adette", from my shop ChatterBlossom
Last Week's Sunday Snag: