Today I'm introducing a new segment (or at least a change of segments) on my blog. Until now, Wednesdays have been a segment called "Wordless Wednesday" which have included photography taken by me of nature and whathaveyou. Welp, I'm giving "Wordless Wednesday" the heave ho for now. Wednesdays are now "Wistful Wednesday" and will include themed vintage photographs, which have typically been reserved for "Friday Photo Swoon". Confused yet? I'm going to introduce a new Friday post series this week which is why I've kurbobbled my whole schedule.
Phew! Okay, after all that confusion, on with the show! The hubs and I got to spend the holidays in Cleveland with my sister and her husband. I've done a post before on one of our fun Cleveland rompings (see here). It is such a great town for foodies and vintage lovers! We had a blast over Christmas and I'll share a bit from that tomorrow. For today, I thought it might be nice to get a glimpse at vintage Cleveland! There's even a photo below of the West Side Market full of bustling people, which I photographed myself here only a few months ago. Fun to see the differences!

Last Week's Wistful Wednesday: